Support BSO
Gold: £ 500 = 4 free tickets + advertising in 3 programmes
Silver: £ 250 = 2 free tickets + advertising in 2 programme
Bronze: £50 = advertising in 1 programme

We welcome any form of sponsorship, donations or other charitable gifts.
If you wish to discuss, please contact the Orchestra Chair: ann.henshaw@bso.org.uk

Why Support the BSO?
Here is why local companies, individuals, trusts and foundations might want to give us support:
Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra (BSO) is a registered charity (no.264670) and all our members are local volunteers. We run the orchestra on limited funds and are very grateful to receive any form of generosity.
Ticket sales and orchestra member subscriptions cover only part of the cost associated with our performances and in particular our venue costs have risen sharply since Covid due to council cuts to Arts and Cultural programmes.
We aim to reach the widest possible Basingstoke audience and encourage young talented musicians to thrive and gain experience by performing at The Anvil with its brilliant accoustic.
We look for support from companies, individuals, trusts and foundations that recognise the immensely positive impact music has in our local community.

Stay in touch
Find out about the Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra who we are, our upcoming concerts and more! Join our mailing list to stay ahead on info, discounts, tickets and concert dates.